In Your Garden

How long it takes sometimes to value a gift--the way
I only now recall a night after work, a too-long meeting
to no useful end, standing in your living room reciting
my endless supply of blues. You listened well,
as was your talent, and long, as was your mercy,
then grabbed me to deliver a thousand watt kiss.

There was nothing of romance in it, but everything
of friendship, warm acceptance--an overflow
of pure exuberance. Still, I blushed to my socks
to receive it and blushed again at your delighted laugh.
But I did snap out of it for a while.

To lighten so those brooding, drink-darkened days
when I could be no better than a half-hearted friend
to anyone, having given the other half to oblivion...
Even now there's much I'd just as soon forget--
but, forgetting you--I'm so very sorry.

Seeing your name on the board in the sanctuary,
I came here to see what kind of flowers you grow.
The fiddlehead ferns are lovely, half-unrolled
behind the daffodills. The grass is just now green
and the apple will blossom any moment. The bench is warm,
the sun mellow, and all my regrets are sweetened by your kiss.

© Dale R. Hobson. All rights reserved.