Thursday, July 14, 2005


As Rat says to Mole in The Wind in the Willows, "there is nothing--absolutely nothing--half as much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." I misspent last summer so unwisely that I had to take the Grand Isle Ferry just to be able to say I had been out on the water. So it was a kindness when Bob extracted me from the control bunker for an afternoon on the station's leisure research vessel Mona. Despite those who view the Brockville Narrows as a damp version of the Bonneville Salt Flats, there is still an abiding serenity to be had on the water, the masts and sails of the yacht club mirrored in the patterned slate steeples of Brockville, the long view up the reach toward the Thousand Islands, kids diving off the rocks of Stovin Island, and the endless patroling of gulls and ducks. If you get the chance, run don't walk, on down to the dock.


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