Thursday, August 10, 2006

Now you hold the mic on me

As a media organization, we are used to being the ones who ask the questions. But at a time when most institutions, from government to media to business, seem to be increasingly opaque to public scrutiny, it's easy to forget that what we do, as well as how and why we do it, are matters of legitimate public concern. The mistrust that results from the unwillingness of many to operate transparently is extended to all. Why does NCPR carry this program and not that program? How does the news department decide what to cover and when? How is NCPR funded and how does that effect what we do? How do our relationships with NPR and other national and international partners work? These are some of the questions we address on-air in our regular "Ask the Station" call-ins, such as the one coming up Tuesday at 11 am. We also address them individually day to day. Ask us anything anytime, via our toll-free number, the station's email address, the listener comment page at, or by post or fax. Whatever we receive before this Tuesday will help to shape the conversation.


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