Thursday, October 19, 2006

Telepathy not required

Despite the forces of globalization and the popularity of mega-mall culture, people persist in "going local" whenever they get the opportunity. We may live increasingly in a global village, but we still have to rely on our neighbors. The Malaysian blogger you spend time online with does live in "the village," but he is not going to help you get your car out of the snowbank. And the flavor of local produce in season speaks louder than any ad. This gives me confidence in the future of community-based radio, despite the breathless claims of satellite and internet radio pom-pommers. That--and the consistent enthusiastic generosity of our listeners whenever we ask them to support our work on the air. Customers buy what and when they want, but a neighbor helps out whenever you ask--just as long as the feeling goes both ways. If you think NCPR has been a good neighbor to you in the past year, you don't have read our minds to find out we need your help to get by.Just tune in; we're asking.


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